This Week In: WTF is happening? 2/4/17

  1. 40% of Americans voters want to impeach Trump.
    No surprises here. The real question is, how long will the next 10-20% of people wait to get with the program? How much damage will be done in the meantime? The Republicans seem set to use Trump to pass portions of their agenda, but he only gains legitimacy the longer they play along. The time to act is now.
  2. Last week, militant right-wing street preachers showed up to harass the primarily Hispanic/Latino congregation at Portland’s St. Peter/San Pedro Catholic church in Lents. One of the militant right-wing street preachers was later knocked out in a confrontation with protesters at PDX airport.Here is a video of some of the hate taken by a churchgoer.

    You can show solidarity with San Pedro and your neighbors by showing up to this Sunday’s mass and using your privilege & body to protect people who are under threat.
  3. Diesel Pollution in Portland is bad, and it’s hurting you.
    Portland has bad air quality pretty much everywhere–and that includes exposure to harmful diesel particulates. But some neighborhoods are particularly affected. The Lents neighborhood has a major highway, I-205, and several major traffic corridors (82nd & 92nd Aves, Foster Rd, Powell Blvd) that contribute to the problem.Local Lents-area nonprofits Green Lents and ROSE Community Development worked with Oregon Environmental Council to measure the diesel risk at key community locations.
    Air monitoring results consistently showed pollution at levels 10-70x higher than what is considered a safe standard if breathed over a full day. Check out this 15 minute video sharing stories of impacted people in Lents, where 1 in 2 people is a person of color, 1 in 4 is foreign-born, and 2 in 5 speak a language other than English at home.

    The Oregon legislature is considering a handful of frameworks targeting the diesel problem in Oregon. You can join Neighbors for Clean Air and Oregon Environmental Council at their lobby day in Salem on February 15 from 8a-2pm to make your voice heard and push these bills forward. To sign up, contact
  4. In case you missed it, the new Oregon Secretary of State is a Republican: Dennis Richardson (seriously, WTF Oregon?). Richardson is getting an early jump on redistricting in Oregon with an eye toward a ballot measure. This redistricting process is supposed to happen after the 2020 Census. But surprise! The process is not inclusive of women, minorities, and Democrats and seems designed to redraw districts to benefit Republicans. Thankfully, the legislature has the ultimate authority on redistricting.

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